<?php # # COLORS # # Text Color $tcolor = ''; # This is the color defined by https://materializecss.com/color.html $color = ''; # # BASEINFO # #The Name of the Role $name = ''; #The Description of the Role, HTML conform :) $description = ''; # # TABS # #How To play $howtoplay = ''; #With what roles does this role play best? $playsbestwith = ' <ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <ul> '; #Convars $convars = 'Normal Role Convars (also found in ULX): <code></code> Rolespecific Convars: <code></code>'; # # Credits # #The Steam URL to your addon $steam = ''; #The Source URL to your addon $source = ''; #Creator of the Addon $author = ''; #Creatorlink $authorurl = ''; # Credittext (can use the above variables) $ctext = ''; ?>