<?php # # COLORS # # Text Color $tcolor = "black"; # This is the color defined by https://materializecss.com/color.html $color = "green darken-5"; # # BASEINFO # #The Name of the Role $name = "Innocent"; #The Description of the Role, HTML conform :) $description = "(Chuckles) I'm in Danger :)"; # # TABS # #How To play $howtoplay = "As an innocent player, you are the most vulnerable. Innocent players risk being killed by Traitors and being wrongly accused of being a Traitor. They also cannot buy equipment. The player can pick up weapons and use them against would-be killers, but normally, players will be killed, due to the surprise nature of the attack."; #With what roles does this role play best? $playsbestwith = "Traitors :)"; #Convars $convars = "TBD"; # # Credits # #The Steam URL to your addon $steam = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2004491494"; #The Source URL to your addon $source = "https://github.com/Gensokian/ttt2-role_tra"; #Creator of the Addon $author = "BadKingUrgrain"; #Creatorlink $authorurl = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/badkingurgrain"; # Credittext (can use the above variables) $ctext = "This is a base TTT Role"; ?>