
# Text Color
$tcolor = "white";
# This is the color defined by https://materializecss.com/color.html
$color = "deep-purple lighten-3";


#The Name of the Role
$name = "Amnesiac";
#The Description of the Role, HTML conform :)
$description = "A lost soul that has forgotten what he used to be, but is always looking for hints to his past identity..";


#How To play
$howtoplay = "The Amnesiac is a new role that is looking to change to another in order to win. To do so, you will need to find a hint to his lost identity. Said hint can be found by confirming a dead players body. The Amnesiac will receive the role of the first player that they confirm that round.
It has to be a confirmation (revealing who died and what team they were in) a simple inspection does not count!
The Amnesiac changing their role will be announced to all players. Some additional features using TTT2s awesome and easy to use system have also been implemented. :)";
#With what roles does this role play best?
$playsbestwith = "
$convars = "Normal Role Convars (also found in ULX):
<code># enable or disable this role
  ttt_amnesiac_enabled [0/1] (default: 1)
# the percentage of players that are spawned as this role
  ttt_amnesiac_pct [0.0..1.0] (default: 0.17)
# the limit of players that spawn as this role each round, this overwrites the percentage
  ttt_amnesiac_max [0..n] (default: 1)
# the probability each round of this role being spawned at all
  ttt_amnesiac_random [0..100] (default: 50)
# the amount of players needed for this role to spawn
  ttt_amnesiac_min_players: [0..n] (default: 7)</code>

Rolespecific Convars:
<code># Does the Amnesiac inform other players when he changes his role (popup event)
ttt2_amnesiac_showpopup [0/1] (default 1)
# Does the Amnesiac confirm a player when pressing [E] on a dead body when getting a role (disables confirmation message too!)
ttt2_amnesiac_confirm_player [0/1] (default 0)
# Does the Amnesiac only get roles from unconfirmed bodies
ttt2_amnesiac_limit_to_unconfirmed [0/1] (default 1)</code>";

# Credits

#The Steam URL to your addon
$steam = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2001213453";
#The Source URL to your addon
$source = "https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://github.com/LunexSan/ttt2-role_amni";

#Creator of the Addon
$author = "Lunex";
$authorurl = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lunexkun/";

# Credittext (can use the above variables)
$ctext = "Lunex: Creator of this role addon
Pythagorion: A huge thank you for the Icon Designs
Mineotopia: Credits to him for immense help in coding this.";
