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2022-03-30 00:26:53 +02:00
# Text Color
$tcolor = 'black';
# This is the color defined by https://materializecss.com/color.html
$color = 'deep-orange lighten-4';
#The Name of the Role
$name = 'Haunted';
#The Description of the Role, HTML conform :)
$description = "The first rule of being a Traitor is to not get caught. The second rule is to kill your witnesses as soon as possible, because no one gets the first rule right. The third rule is to have a good back-up plan, because everyone makes mistakes and leaves bloody messes. The fourth and most important rule is to carefully read over every single word on your contract with the Devil, because no traitor worth their salt comes up with a good back-up plan.";
#How To play
$howtoplay = 'The Haunted is a traitor role. If they are killed, they will haunt their killer. Their killer will leave a trail of smoke, and if they are killed The Haunted shall come back to life. As this ability is quite powerful, the Haunted does not have access to a shop by default.';
#With what roles does this role play best?
$playsbestwith = '
<li>Other traitor roles</li>
$convars = "Normal Role Convars (also found in ULX):
<code># enable or disable this role
ttt_haunted_enabled [0/1] (default: 1)
# the percentage of players that are spawned as this role
ttt_haunted_pct [0.0..1.0] (default: 0.15)
# the limit of players that spawn as this role each round, this overwrites the percentage
ttt_haunted_max [0..n] (default: 1)
# the probability each round of this role being spawned at all
ttt_haunted_random [0..100] (default: 30)
# the amount of players needed for this role to spawn
ttt_haunted_min_players: [0..n] (default: 6)</code>
Rolespecific Convars:
<code># Who should see announcements about hauntings?
ttt2_haunted_declare_mode [0..2] (default: 2)
# 0: Don't declare the Haunted's status.
# 1: Declare the Haunted's status to every player.
# 2: Declare the Haunted's status to only traitors
# How much health should the Haunted revive with?
ttt2_haunted_revive_health [0..n] (default: 50)
# Should players leave a trail of smoke if they are currently being haunted?
ttt2_haunted_smoke_mode [0/1] (default: 1)
# Should the Haunted respawn at worldspawn or their body?
ttt2_haunted_worldspawn [0/1] (default: 0)</code>";
# Credits
#The Steam URL to your addon
$steam = 'https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2654304108';
#The Source URL to your addon
$source = 'https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://github.com/AaronMcKenney/ttt2-role_haunt';
#Creator of the Addon
$author = 'BlackMagicFine';
$authorurl = 'https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025772353/';
# Credittext (can use the above variables)
$ctext = 'BlackMagicFine: creator of this role addon
Mineotopia: designer of the role thumbnail
KindPNG Haunted House Symbol[www.kindpng.com]: role icon created by modifying this image
Wasted: designer of the Spectre, which this role reuses a lot of code from
Haxray: came up with the idea for the Haunted';