var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __decorateClass = (decorators, target, key, kind) => { var result = kind > 1 ? void 0 : kind ? __getOwnPropDesc(target, key) : target; for (var i = decorators.length - 1, decorator; i >= 0; i--) if (decorator = decorators[i]) result = (kind ? decorator(target, key, result) : decorator(result)) || result; if (kind && result) __defProp(target, key, result); return result; }; // src/messages/embed/Assertions.ts var Assertions_exports = {}; __export(Assertions_exports, { RGBPredicate: () => RGBPredicate, authorNamePredicate: () => authorNamePredicate, colorPredicate: () => colorPredicate, descriptionPredicate: () => descriptionPredicate, embedAuthorPredicate: () => embedAuthorPredicate, embedFieldPredicate: () => embedFieldPredicate, embedFieldsArrayPredicate: () => embedFieldsArrayPredicate, embedFooterPredicate: () => embedFooterPredicate, fieldInlinePredicate: () => fieldInlinePredicate, fieldLengthPredicate: () => fieldLengthPredicate, fieldNamePredicate: () => fieldNamePredicate, fieldValuePredicate: () => fieldValuePredicate, footerTextPredicate: () => footerTextPredicate, imageURLPredicate: () => imageURLPredicate, timestampPredicate: () => timestampPredicate, titlePredicate: () => titlePredicate, urlPredicate: () => urlPredicate, validateFieldLength: () => validateFieldLength }); import { s } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; // src/util/validation.ts var validate = true; function enableValidators() { return validate = true; } __name(enableValidators, "enableValidators"); function disableValidators() { return validate = false; } __name(disableValidators, "disableValidators"); function isValidationEnabled() { return validate; } __name(isValidationEnabled, "isValidationEnabled"); // src/messages/embed/Assertions.ts var fieldNamePredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(256).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var fieldValuePredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(1024).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var fieldInlinePredicate = s.boolean.optional; var embedFieldPredicate = s.object({ name: fieldNamePredicate, value: fieldValuePredicate, inline: fieldInlinePredicate }).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var embedFieldsArrayPredicate = embedFieldPredicate.array.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var fieldLengthPredicate = s.number.lessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateFieldLength(amountAdding, fields) { fieldLengthPredicate.parse((fields?.length ?? 0) + amountAdding); } __name(validateFieldLength, "validateFieldLength"); var authorNamePredicate = fieldNamePredicate.nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var imageURLPredicate = s.string.url({ allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:", "attachment:"] }).nullish.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var urlPredicate = s.string.url({ allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:"] }).nullish.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var embedAuthorPredicate = s.object({ name: authorNamePredicate, iconURL: imageURLPredicate, url: urlPredicate }).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var RGBPredicate =; var colorPredicate =[RGBPredicate, RGBPredicate, RGBPredicate])).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var descriptionPredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(4096).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var footerTextPredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(2048).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var embedFooterPredicate = s.object({ text: footerTextPredicate, iconURL: imageURLPredicate }).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var timestampPredicate = s.union(s.number,; var titlePredicate = fieldNamePredicate.nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); // src/util/normalizeArray.ts function normalizeArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr[0])) return arr[0]; return arr; } __name(normalizeArray, "normalizeArray"); // src/messages/embed/Embed.ts var EmbedBuilder = class { static { __name(this, "EmbedBuilder"); } /** * The API data associated with this embed. */ data; /** * Creates a new embed from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this embed with */ constructor(data = {}) { = { }; if (data.timestamp) = new Date(data.timestamp).toISOString(); } /** * Appends fields to the embed. * * @remarks * This method accepts either an array of fields or a variable number of field parameters. * The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25. * @example * Using an array: * ```ts * const fields: APIEmbedField[] = ...; * const embed = new EmbedBuilder() * .addFields(fields); * ``` * @example * Using rest parameters (variadic): * ```ts * const embed = new EmbedBuilder() * .addFields( * { name: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1' }, * { name: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2' }, * ); * ``` * @param fields - The fields to add */ addFields(...fields) { const normalizedFields = normalizeArray(fields); validateFieldLength(normalizedFields.length,; embedFieldsArrayPredicate.parse(normalizedFields); if (; else = normalizedFields; return this; } /** * Removes, replaces, or inserts fields for this embed. * * @remarks * This method behaves similarly * to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}. * The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25. * * It's useful for modifying and adjusting order of the already-existing fields of an embed. * @example * Remove the first field: * ```ts * embed.spliceFields(0, 1); * ``` * @example * Remove the first n fields: * ```ts * const n = 4; * embed.spliceFields(0, n); * ``` * @example * Remove the last field: * ```ts * embed.spliceFields(-1, 1); * ``` * @param index - The index to start at * @param deleteCount - The number of fields to remove * @param fields - The replacing field objects */ spliceFields(index, deleteCount, ...fields) { validateFieldLength(fields.length - deleteCount,; embedFieldsArrayPredicate.parse(fields); if (, deleteCount, ...fields); else = fields; return this; } /** * Sets the fields for this embed. * * @remarks * This method is an alias for {@link EmbedBuilder.spliceFields}. More specifically, * it splices the entire array of fields, replacing them with the provided fields. * * You can set a maximum of 25 fields. * @param fields - The fields to set */ setFields(...fields) { this.spliceFields(0, ?? 0, ...normalizeArray(fields)); return this; } /** * Sets the author of this embed. * * @param options - The options to use */ setAuthor(options) { if (options === null) { = void 0; return this; } embedAuthorPredicate.parse(options); = { name:, url: options.url, icon_url: options.iconURL }; return this; } /** * Sets the color of this embed. * * @param color - The color to use */ setColor(color) { colorPredicate.parse(color); if (Array.isArray(color)) { const [red, green, blue] = color; = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue; return this; } = color ?? void 0; return this; } /** * Sets the description of this embed. * * @param description - The description to use */ setDescription(description) { descriptionPredicate.parse(description); = description ?? void 0; return this; } /** * Sets the footer of this embed. * * @param options - The footer to use */ setFooter(options) { if (options === null) { = void 0; return this; } embedFooterPredicate.parse(options); = { text: options.text, icon_url: options.iconURL }; return this; } /** * Sets the image of this embed. * * @param url - The image URL to use */ setImage(url) { imageURLPredicate.parse(url); = url ? { url } : void 0; return this; } /** * Sets the thumbnail of this embed. * * @param url - The thumbnail URL to use */ setThumbnail(url) { imageURLPredicate.parse(url); = url ? { url } : void 0; return this; } /** * Sets the timestamp of this embed. * * @param timestamp - The timestamp or date to use */ setTimestamp(timestamp = { timestampPredicate.parse(timestamp); = timestamp ? new Date(timestamp).toISOString() : void 0; return this; } /** * Sets the title for this embed. * * @param title - The title to use */ setTitle(title) { titlePredicate.parse(title); = title ?? void 0; return this; } /** * Sets the URL of this embed. * * @param url - The URL to use */ setURL(url) { urlPredicate.parse(url); = url ?? void 0; return this; } /** * Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data. * * @remarks * This method runs validations on the data before serializing it. * As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid. */ toJSON() { return { }; } }; // src/index.ts export * from "@discordjs/formatters"; // src/components/Assertions.ts var Assertions_exports2 = {}; __export(Assertions_exports2, { buttonLabelValidator: () => buttonLabelValidator, buttonStyleValidator: () => buttonStyleValidator, channelTypesValidator: () => channelTypesValidator, customIdValidator: () => customIdValidator, defaultValidator: () => defaultValidator, disabledValidator: () => disabledValidator, emojiValidator: () => emojiValidator, jsonOptionValidator: () => jsonOptionValidator, labelValueDescriptionValidator: () => labelValueDescriptionValidator, minMaxValidator: () => minMaxValidator, optionValidator: () => optionValidator, optionsLengthValidator: () => optionsLengthValidator, optionsValidator: () => optionsValidator, placeholderValidator: () => placeholderValidator, urlValidator: () => urlValidator, validateRequiredButtonParameters: () => validateRequiredButtonParameters, validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters: () => validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters, validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters: () => validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters }); import { s as s2 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { ButtonStyle, ChannelType } from "discord-api-types/v10"; // src/components/selectMenu/StringSelectMenuOption.ts var StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder = class { /** * Creates a new string select menu option from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this string select menu option with * @example * Creating a string select menu option from an API data object: * ```ts * const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({ * label: 'catchy label', * value: '1', * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a string select menu option using setters and API data: * ```ts * const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({ * default: true, * value: '1', * }) * .setLabel('woah'); * ``` */ constructor(data = {}) { = data; } static { __name(this, "StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder"); } /** * Sets the label for this option. * * @param label - The label to use */ setLabel(label) { = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(label); return this; } /** * Sets the value for this option. * * @param value - The value to use */ setValue(value) { = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(value); return this; } /** * Sets the description for this option. * * @param description - The description to use */ setDescription(description) { = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(description); return this; } /** * Sets whether this option is selected by default. * * @param isDefault - Whether this option is selected by default */ setDefault(isDefault = true) { = defaultValidator.parse(isDefault); return this; } /** * Sets the emoji to display for this option. * * @param emoji - The emoji to use */ setEmoji(emoji) { = emojiValidator.parse(emoji); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters(,; return { }; } }; // src/components/Assertions.ts var customIdValidator = s2.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var emojiValidator = s2.object({ id: s2.string, name: s2.string, animated: s2.boolean }).partial.strict.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var disabledValidator = s2.boolean; var buttonLabelValidator = s2.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(80).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var buttonStyleValidator = s2.nativeEnum(ButtonStyle); var placeholderValidator = s2.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(150).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var minMaxValidator =; var labelValueDescriptionValidator = s2.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var jsonOptionValidator = s2.object({ label: labelValueDescriptionValidator, value: labelValueDescriptionValidator, description: labelValueDescriptionValidator.optional, emoji: emojiValidator.optional, default: s2.boolean.optional }).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var optionValidator = s2.instance(StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var optionsValidator = optionValidator.array.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(0).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var optionsLengthValidator =; function validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters(options, customId) { customIdValidator.parse(customId); optionsValidator.parse(options); } __name(validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters, "validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters"); var defaultValidator = s2.boolean; function validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters(label, value) { labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(label); labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(value); } __name(validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters, "validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters"); var channelTypesValidator = s2.nativeEnum(ChannelType).array.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var urlValidator = s2.string.url({ allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:", "discord:"] }).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateRequiredButtonParameters(style, label, emoji, customId, url) { if (url && customId) { throw new RangeError("URL and custom id are mutually exclusive"); } if (!label && !emoji) { throw new RangeError("Buttons must have a label and/or an emoji"); } if (style === ButtonStyle.Link) { if (!url) { throw new RangeError("Link buttons must have a url"); } } else if (url) { throw new RangeError("Non-link buttons cannot have a url"); } } __name(validateRequiredButtonParameters, "validateRequiredButtonParameters"); // src/components/ActionRow.ts import { ComponentType as ComponentType9 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; // src/components/Component.ts var ComponentBuilder = class { static { __name(this, "ComponentBuilder"); } /** * The API data associated with this component. */ data; /** * Constructs a new kind of component. * * @param data - The data to construct a component out of */ constructor(data) { = data; } }; // src/components/Components.ts import { ComponentType as ComponentType8 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; // src/components/button/Button.ts import { ComponentType } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var ButtonBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder { static { __name(this, "ButtonBuilder"); } /** * Creates a new button from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this button with * @example * Creating a button from an API data object: * ```ts * const button = new ButtonBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool button', * style: ButtonStyle.Primary, * label: 'Click Me', * emoji: { * name: 'smile', * id: '123456789012345678', * }, * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a button using setters and API data: * ```ts * const button = new ButtonBuilder({ * style: ButtonStyle.Secondary, * label: 'Click Me', * }) * .setEmoji({ name: '🙂' }) * .setCustomId('another cool button'); * ``` */ constructor(data) { super({ type: ComponentType.Button, }); } /** * Sets the style of this button. * * @param style - The style to use */ setStyle(style) { = buttonStyleValidator.parse(style); return this; } /** * Sets the URL for this button. * * @remarks * This method is only available to buttons using the `Link` button style. * Only three types of URL schemes are currently supported: `https://`, `http://`, and `discord://`. * @param url - The URL to use */ setURL(url) { = urlValidator.parse(url); return this; } /** * Sets the custom id for this button. * * @remarks * This method is only applicable to buttons that are not using the `Link` button style. * @param customId - The custom id to use */ setCustomId(customId) { = customIdValidator.parse(customId); return this; } /** * Sets the emoji to display on this button. * * @param emoji - The emoji to use */ setEmoji(emoji) { = emojiValidator.parse(emoji); return this; } /** * Sets whether this button is disabled. * * @param disabled - Whether to disable this button */ setDisabled(disabled = true) { = disabledValidator.parse(disabled); return this; } /** * Sets the label for this button. * * @param label - The label to use */ setLabel(label) { = buttonLabelValidator.parse(label); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { validateRequiredButtonParameters(,,,, ); return { }; } }; // src/components/selectMenu/ChannelSelectMenu.ts import { ComponentType as ComponentType2, SelectMenuDefaultValueType } from "discord-api-types/v10"; // src/components/selectMenu/BaseSelectMenu.ts var BaseSelectMenuBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder { static { __name(this, "BaseSelectMenuBuilder"); } /** * Sets the placeholder for this select menu. * * @param placeholder - The placeholder to use */ setPlaceholder(placeholder) { = placeholderValidator.parse(placeholder); return this; } /** * Sets the minimum values that must be selected in the select menu. * * @param minValues - The minimum values that must be selected */ setMinValues(minValues) { = minMaxValidator.parse(minValues); return this; } /** * Sets the maximum values that must be selected in the select menu. * * @param maxValues - The maximum values that must be selected */ setMaxValues(maxValues) { = minMaxValidator.parse(maxValues); return this; } /** * Sets the custom id for this select menu. * * @param customId - The custom id to use */ setCustomId(customId) { = customIdValidator.parse(customId); return this; } /** * Sets whether this select menu is disabled. * * @param disabled - Whether this select menu is disabled */ setDisabled(disabled = true) { = disabledValidator.parse(disabled); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { customIdValidator.parse(; return { }; } }; // src/components/selectMenu/ChannelSelectMenu.ts var ChannelSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder { static { __name(this, "ChannelSelectMenuBuilder"); } /** * Creates a new select menu from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this select menu with * @example * Creating a select menu from an API data object: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * placeholder: 'select an option', * max_values: 2, * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a select menu using setters and API data: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * }) * .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement) * .setMinValues(2); * ``` */ constructor(data) { super({, type: ComponentType2.ChannelSelect }); } /** * Adds channel types to this select menu. * * @param types - The channel types to use */ addChannelTypes(...types) { const normalizedTypes = normalizeArray(types); ??= [];; return this; } /** * Sets channel types for this select menu. * * @param types - The channel types to use */ setChannelTypes(...types) { const normalizedTypes = normalizeArray(types); ??= [];,, ...channelTypesValidator.parse(normalizedTypes)); return this; } /** * Adds default channels to this auto populated select menu. * * @param channels - The channels to add */ addDefaultChannels(...channels) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(channels); optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length); ??= []; => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Channel })) ); return this; } /** * Sets default channels to this auto populated select menu. * * @param channels - The channels to set */ setDefaultChannels(...channels) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(channels); optionsLengthValidator.parse(normalizedValues.length); = => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Channel })); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { customIdValidator.parse(; return { }; } }; // src/components/selectMenu/MentionableSelectMenu.ts import { ComponentType as ComponentType3, SelectMenuDefaultValueType as SelectMenuDefaultValueType2 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var MentionableSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder { static { __name(this, "MentionableSelectMenuBuilder"); } /** * Creates a new select menu from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this select menu with * @example * Creating a select menu from an API data object: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * placeholder: 'select an option', * max_values: 2, * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a select menu using setters and API data: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * }) * .setMinValues(1); * ``` */ constructor(data) { super({, type: ComponentType3.MentionableSelect }); } /** * Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu. * * @param roles - The roles to add */ addDefaultRoles(...roles) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles); optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length); ??= []; => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType2.Role })) ); return this; } /** * Adds default users to this auto populated select menu. * * @param users - The users to add */ addDefaultUsers(...users) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users); optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length); ??= []; => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType2.User })) ); return this; } /** * Adds default values to this auto populated select menu. * * @param values - The values to add */ addDefaultValues(...values) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(values); optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length); ??= [];; return this; } /** * Sets default values to this auto populated select menu. * * @param values - The values to set */ setDefaultValues(...values) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(values); optionsLengthValidator.parse(normalizedValues.length); = normalizedValues.slice(); return this; } }; // src/components/selectMenu/RoleSelectMenu.ts import { ComponentType as ComponentType4, SelectMenuDefaultValueType as SelectMenuDefaultValueType3 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var RoleSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder { static { __name(this, "RoleSelectMenuBuilder"); } /** * Creates a new select menu from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this select menu with * @example * Creating a select menu from an API data object: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * placeholder: 'select an option', * max_values: 2, * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a select menu using setters and API data: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * }) * .setMinValues(1); * ``` */ constructor(data) { super({, type: ComponentType4.RoleSelect }); } /** * Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu. * * @param roles - The roles to add */ addDefaultRoles(...roles) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles); optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length); ??= []; => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType3.Role })) ); return this; } /** * Sets default roles to this auto populated select menu. * * @param roles - The roles to set */ setDefaultRoles(...roles) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles); optionsLengthValidator.parse(normalizedValues.length); = => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType3.Role })); return this; } }; // src/components/selectMenu/StringSelectMenu.ts import { ComponentType as ComponentType5 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var StringSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder { static { __name(this, "StringSelectMenuBuilder"); } /** * The options within this select menu. */ options; /** * Creates a new select menu from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this select menu with * @example * Creating a select menu from an API data object: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * placeholder: 'select an option', * max_values: 2, * options: [ * { label: 'option 1', value: '1' }, * { label: 'option 2', value: '2' }, * { label: 'option 3', value: '3' }, * ], * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a select menu using setters and API data: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * }) * .setMinValues(1) * .addOptions({ * label: 'Catchy', * value: 'catch', * }); * ``` */ constructor(data) { const { options, ...initData } = data ?? {}; super({ ...initData, type: ComponentType5.StringSelect }); this.options = options?.map((option) => new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(option)) ?? []; } /** * Adds options to this select menu. * * @param options - The options to add */ addOptions(...options) { const normalizedOptions = normalizeArray(options); optionsLengthValidator.parse(this.options.length + normalizedOptions.length); this.options.push( (normalizedOption) => normalizedOption instanceof StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder ? normalizedOption : new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(jsonOptionValidator.parse(normalizedOption)) ) ); return this; } /** * Sets the options for this select menu. * * @param options - The options to set */ setOptions(...options) { return this.spliceOptions(0, this.options.length, ...options); } /** * Removes, replaces, or inserts options for this select menu. * * @remarks * This method behaves similarly * to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}. * It's useful for modifying and adjusting the order of existing options. * @example * Remove the first option: * ```ts * selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, 1); * ``` * @example * Remove the first n option: * ```ts * const n = 4; * selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, n); * ``` * @example * Remove the last option: * ```ts * selectMenu.spliceOptions(-1, 1); * ``` * @param index - The index to start at * @param deleteCount - The number of options to remove * @param options - The replacing option objects or builders */ spliceOptions(index, deleteCount, ...options) { const normalizedOptions = normalizeArray(options); const clone = [...this.options]; clone.splice( index, deleteCount, (normalizedOption) => normalizedOption instanceof StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder ? normalizedOption : new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(jsonOptionValidator.parse(normalizedOption)) ) ); optionsLengthValidator.parse(clone.length); this.options.splice(0, this.options.length, ...clone); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters(this.options,; return {, options: => option.toJSON()) }; } }; // src/components/selectMenu/UserSelectMenu.ts import { ComponentType as ComponentType6, SelectMenuDefaultValueType as SelectMenuDefaultValueType4 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var UserSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder { static { __name(this, "UserSelectMenuBuilder"); } /** * Creates a new select menu from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this select menu with * @example * Creating a select menu from an API data object: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * placeholder: 'select an option', * max_values: 2, * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a select menu using setters and API data: * ```ts * const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * }) * .setMinValues(1); * ``` */ constructor(data) { super({, type: ComponentType6.UserSelect }); } /** * Adds default users to this auto populated select menu. * * @param users - The users to add */ addDefaultUsers(...users) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users); optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length); ??= []; => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType4.User })) ); return this; } /** * Sets default users to this auto populated select menu. * * @param users - The users to set */ setDefaultUsers(...users) { const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users); optionsLengthValidator.parse(normalizedValues.length); = => ({ id, type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType4.User })); return this; } }; // src/components/textInput/TextInput.ts import { isJSONEncodable } from "@discordjs/util"; import { ComponentType as ComponentType7 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import isEqual from "fast-deep-equal"; // src/components/textInput/Assertions.ts var Assertions_exports3 = {}; __export(Assertions_exports3, { labelValidator: () => labelValidator, maxLengthValidator: () => maxLengthValidator, minLengthValidator: () => minLengthValidator, placeholderValidator: () => placeholderValidator2, requiredValidator: () => requiredValidator, textInputStyleValidator: () => textInputStyleValidator, validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters, valueValidator: () => valueValidator }); import { s as s3 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { TextInputStyle } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var textInputStyleValidator = s3.nativeEnum(TextInputStyle); var minLengthValidator =; var maxLengthValidator =; var requiredValidator = s3.boolean; var valueValidator = s3.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(4e3).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var placeholderValidator2 = s3.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var labelValidator = s3.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(45).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateRequiredParameters(customId, style, label) { customIdValidator.parse(customId); textInputStyleValidator.parse(style); labelValidator.parse(label); } __name(validateRequiredParameters, "validateRequiredParameters"); // src/components/textInput/TextInput.ts var TextInputBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder { static { __name(this, "TextInputBuilder"); } /** * Creates a new text input from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this text input with * @example * Creating a select menu option from an API data object: * ```ts * const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({ * custom_id: 'a cool select menu', * label: 'Type something', * style: TextInputStyle.Short, * }); * ``` * @example * Creating a select menu option using setters and API data: * ```ts * const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({ * label: 'Type something else', * }) * .setCustomId('woah') * .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Paragraph); * ``` */ constructor(data) { super({ type: ComponentType7.TextInput, }); } /** * Sets the custom id for this text input. * * @param customId - The custom id to use */ setCustomId(customId) { = customIdValidator.parse(customId); return this; } /** * Sets the label for this text input. * * @param label - The label to use */ setLabel(label) { = labelValidator.parse(label); return this; } /** * Sets the style for this text input. * * @param style - The style to use */ setStyle(style) { = textInputStyleValidator.parse(style); return this; } /** * Sets the minimum length of text for this text input. * * @param minLength - The minimum length of text for this text input */ setMinLength(minLength) { = minLengthValidator.parse(minLength); return this; } /** * Sets the maximum length of text for this text input. * * @param maxLength - The maximum length of text for this text input */ setMaxLength(maxLength) { = maxLengthValidator.parse(maxLength); return this; } /** * Sets the placeholder for this text input. * * @param placeholder - The placeholder to use */ setPlaceholder(placeholder) { = placeholderValidator2.parse(placeholder); return this; } /** * Sets the value for this text input. * * @param value - The value to use */ setValue(value) { = valueValidator.parse(value); return this; } /** * Sets whether this text input is required. * * @param required - Whether this text input is required */ setRequired(required = true) { = requiredValidator.parse(required); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { validateRequiredParameters(,,; return { }; } /** * {@inheritDoc Equatable.equals} */ equals(other) { if (isJSONEncodable(other)) { return isEqual(other.toJSON(),; } return isEqual(other,; } }; // src/components/Components.ts function createComponentBuilder(data) { if (data instanceof ComponentBuilder) { return data; } switch (data.type) { case ComponentType8.ActionRow: return new ActionRowBuilder(data); case ComponentType8.Button: return new ButtonBuilder(data); case ComponentType8.StringSelect: return new StringSelectMenuBuilder(data); case ComponentType8.TextInput: return new TextInputBuilder(data); case ComponentType8.UserSelect: return new UserSelectMenuBuilder(data); case ComponentType8.RoleSelect: return new RoleSelectMenuBuilder(data); case ComponentType8.MentionableSelect: return new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder(data); case ComponentType8.ChannelSelect: return new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder(data); default: throw new Error(`Cannot properly serialize component type: ${data.type}`); } } __name(createComponentBuilder, "createComponentBuilder"); // src/components/ActionRow.ts var ActionRowBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder { static { __name(this, "ActionRowBuilder"); } /** * The components within this action row. */ components; /** * Creates a new action row from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this action row with * @example * Creating an action row from an API data object: * ```ts * const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({ * components: [ * { * custom_id: "custom id", * label: "Type something", * style: TextInputStyle.Short, * type: ComponentType.TextInput, * }, * ], * }); * ``` * @example * Creating an action row using setters and API data: * ```ts * const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({ * components: [ * { * custom_id: "custom id", * label: "Click me", * style: ButtonStyle.Primary, * type: ComponentType.Button, * }, * ], * }) * .addComponents(button2, button3); * ``` */ constructor({ components, } = {}) { super({ type: ComponentType9.ActionRow, }); this.components = components?.map((component) => createComponentBuilder(component)) ?? []; } /** * Adds components to this action row. * * @param components - The components to add */ addComponents(...components) { this.components.push(...normalizeArray(components)); return this; } /** * Sets components for this action row. * * @param components - The components to set */ setComponents(...components) { this.components.splice(0, this.components.length, ...normalizeArray(components)); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { return {, components: => component.toJSON()) }; } }; // src/interactions/modals/Assertions.ts var Assertions_exports4 = {}; __export(Assertions_exports4, { componentsValidator: () => componentsValidator, titleValidator: () => titleValidator, validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters2 }); import { s as s4 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; var titleValidator = s4.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(45).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var componentsValidator = s4.instance(ActionRowBuilder).array.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateRequiredParameters2(customId, title, components) { customIdValidator.parse(customId); titleValidator.parse(title); componentsValidator.parse(components); } __name(validateRequiredParameters2, "validateRequiredParameters"); // src/interactions/modals/Modal.ts var ModalBuilder = class { static { __name(this, "ModalBuilder"); } /** * The API data associated with this modal. */ data; /** * The components within this modal. */ components = []; /** * Creates a new modal from API data. * * @param data - The API data to create this modal with */ constructor({ components, } = {}) { = { }; this.components = components?.map((component) => createComponentBuilder(component)) ?? []; } /** * Sets the title of this modal. * * @param title - The title to use */ setTitle(title) { = titleValidator.parse(title); return this; } /** * Sets the custom id of this modal. * * @param customId - The custom id to use */ setCustomId(customId) { = customIdValidator.parse(customId); return this; } /** * Adds components to this modal. * * @param components - The components to add */ addComponents(...components) { this.components.push( ...normalizeArray(components).map( (component) => component instanceof ActionRowBuilder ? component : new ActionRowBuilder(component) ) ); return this; } /** * Sets components for this modal. * * @param components - The components to set */ setComponents(...components) { this.components.splice(0, this.components.length, ...normalizeArray(components)); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON} */ toJSON() { validateRequiredParameters2(,, this.components); return {, components: => component.toJSON()) }; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/Assertions.ts var Assertions_exports5 = {}; __export(Assertions_exports5, { assertReturnOfBuilder: () => assertReturnOfBuilder, localizationMapPredicate: () => localizationMapPredicate, validateChoicesLength: () => validateChoicesLength, validateDMPermission: () => validateDMPermission, validateDefaultMemberPermissions: () => validateDefaultMemberPermissions, validateDefaultPermission: () => validateDefaultPermission, validateDescription: () => validateDescription, validateLocale: () => validateLocale, validateLocalizationMap: () => validateLocalizationMap, validateMaxOptionsLength: () => validateMaxOptionsLength, validateNSFW: () => validateNSFW, validateName: () => validateName, validateRequired: () => validateRequired, validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters3 }); import { s as s5 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { Locale } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var namePredicate = s5.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(32).regex(/^[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{N}\p{sc=Devanagari}\p{sc=Thai}_-]+$/u).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateName(name) { namePredicate.parse(name); } __name(validateName, "validateName"); var descriptionPredicate2 = s5.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var localePredicate = s5.nativeEnum(Locale); function validateDescription(description) { descriptionPredicate2.parse(description); } __name(validateDescription, "validateDescription"); var maxArrayLengthPredicate = s5.unknown.array.lengthLessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateLocale(locale) { return localePredicate.parse(locale); } __name(validateLocale, "validateLocale"); function validateMaxOptionsLength(options) { maxArrayLengthPredicate.parse(options); } __name(validateMaxOptionsLength, "validateMaxOptionsLength"); function validateRequiredParameters3(name, description, options) { validateName(name); validateDescription(description); validateMaxOptionsLength(options); } __name(validateRequiredParameters3, "validateRequiredParameters"); var booleanPredicate = s5.boolean; function validateDefaultPermission(value) { booleanPredicate.parse(value); } __name(validateDefaultPermission, "validateDefaultPermission"); function validateRequired(required) { booleanPredicate.parse(required); } __name(validateRequired, "validateRequired"); var choicesLengthPredicate = s5.number.lessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateChoicesLength(amountAdding, choices) { choicesLengthPredicate.parse((choices?.length ?? 0) + amountAdding); } __name(validateChoicesLength, "validateChoicesLength"); function assertReturnOfBuilder(input, ExpectedInstanceOf) { s5.instance(ExpectedInstanceOf).parse(input); } __name(assertReturnOfBuilder, "assertReturnOfBuilder"); var localizationMapPredicate = s5.object(Object.fromEntries(Object.values(Locale).map((locale) => [locale, s5.string.nullish]))).strict.nullish.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); function validateLocalizationMap(value) { localizationMapPredicate.parse(value); } __name(validateLocalizationMap, "validateLocalizationMap"); var dmPermissionPredicate = s5.boolean.nullish; function validateDMPermission(value) { dmPermissionPredicate.parse(value); } __name(validateDMPermission, "validateDMPermission"); var memberPermissionPredicate = s5.union( s5.bigint.transform((value) => value.toString()), s5.number.safeInt.transform((value) => value.toString()), s5.string.regex(/^\d+$/) ).nullish; function validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) { return memberPermissionPredicate.parse(permissions); } __name(validateDefaultMemberPermissions, "validateDefaultMemberPermissions"); function validateNSFW(value) { booleanPredicate.parse(value); } __name(validateNSFW, "validateNSFW"); // src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandBuilder.ts import { mix as mix6 } from "ts-mixer"; // src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandSubcommands.ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType11 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { mix as mix5 } from "ts-mixer"; // src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/NameAndDescription.ts var SharedNameAndDescription = class { static { __name(this, "SharedNameAndDescription"); } /** * The name of this command. */ name; /** * The name localizations of this command. */ name_localizations; /** * The description of this command. */ description; /** * The description localizations of this command. */ description_localizations; /** * Sets the name of this command. * * @param name - The name to use */ setName(name) { validateName(name); Reflect.set(this, "name", name); return this; } /** * Sets the description of this command. * * @param description - The description to use */ setDescription(description) { validateDescription(description); Reflect.set(this, "description", description); return this; } /** * Sets a name localization for this command. * * @param locale - The locale to set * @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale` */ setNameLocalization(locale, localizedName) { if (!this.name_localizations) { Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {}); } const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale); if (localizedName === null) { this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = null; return this; } validateName(localizedName); this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedName; return this; } /** * Sets the name localizations for this command. * * @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set */ setNameLocalizations(localizedNames) { if (localizedNames === null) { Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", null); return this; } Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {}); for (const args of Object.entries(localizedNames)) { this.setNameLocalization(...args); } return this; } /** * Sets a description localization for this command. * * @param locale - The locale to set * @param localizedDescription - The localized description for the given locale */ setDescriptionLocalization(locale, localizedDescription) { if (!this.description_localizations) { Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", {}); } const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale); if (localizedDescription === null) { this.description_localizations[parsedLocale] = null; return this; } validateDescription(localizedDescription); this.description_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedDescription; return this; } /** * Sets the description localizations for this command. * * @param localizedDescriptions - The object of localized descriptions to set */ setDescriptionLocalizations(localizedDescriptions) { if (localizedDescriptions === null) { Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", null); return this; } Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", {}); for (const args of Object.entries(localizedDescriptions)) { this.setDescriptionLocalization(...args); } return this; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/attachment.ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType } from "discord-api-types/v10"; // src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionBase.ts var ApplicationCommandOptionBase = class extends SharedNameAndDescription { static { __name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionBase"); } /** * Whether this option is required. * * @defaultValue `false` */ required = false; /** * Sets whether this option is required. * * @param required - Whether this option should be required */ setRequired(required) { validateRequired(required); Reflect.set(this, "required", required); return this; } /** * This method runs required validators on this builder. */ runRequiredValidations() { validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, []); validateLocalizationMap(this.name_localizations); validateLocalizationMap(this.description_localizations); validateRequired(this.required); } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/attachment.ts var SlashCommandAttachmentOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { static { __name(this, "SlashCommandAttachmentOption"); } /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); return { ...this }; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/boolean.ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType2 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var SlashCommandBooleanOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { static { __name(this, "SlashCommandBooleanOption"); } /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType2.Boolean; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); return { ...this }; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/channel.ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType3 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { mix } from "ts-mixer"; // src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin.ts import { s as s6 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { ChannelType as ChannelType2 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var allowedChannelTypes = [ ChannelType2.GuildText, ChannelType2.GuildVoice, ChannelType2.GuildCategory, ChannelType2.GuildAnnouncement, ChannelType2.AnnouncementThread, ChannelType2.PublicThread, ChannelType2.PrivateThread, ChannelType2.GuildStageVoice, ChannelType2.GuildForum, ChannelType2.GuildMedia ]; var channelTypesPredicate = s6.array(s6.union( => s6.literal(type)))); var ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin = class { static { __name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin"); } /** * The channel types of this option. */ channel_types; /** * Adds channel types to this option. * * @param channelTypes - The channel types */ addChannelTypes(...channelTypes) { if (this.channel_types === void 0) { Reflect.set(this, "channel_types", []); } this.channel_types.push(...channelTypesPredicate.parse(channelTypes)); return this; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/channel.ts var SlashCommandChannelOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType3.Channel; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); return { ...this }; } }; __name(SlashCommandChannelOption, "SlashCommandChannelOption"); SlashCommandChannelOption = __decorateClass([ mix(ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin) ], SlashCommandChannelOption); // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/integer.ts import { s as s8 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType5 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { mix as mix2 } from "ts-mixer"; // src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.ts var ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin = class { static { __name(this, "ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin"); } /** * The maximum value of this option. */ max_value; /** * The minimum value of this option. */ min_value; }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin.ts import { s as s7 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType4 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var stringPredicate = s7.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100); var numberPredicate = s7.number.greaterThan(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).lessThan(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); var choicesPredicate = s7.object({ name: stringPredicate, name_localizations: localizationMapPredicate, value: s7.union(stringPredicate, numberPredicate) }).array; var booleanPredicate2 = s7.boolean; var ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin = class { static { __name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin"); } /** * The choices of this option. */ choices; /** * Whether this option utilizes autocomplete. */ autocomplete; /** * The type of this option. * * @privateRemarks Since this is present and this is a mixin, this is needed. */ type; /** * Adds multiple choices to this option. * * @param choices - The choices to add */ addChoices(...choices) { if (choices.length > 0 && this.autocomplete) { throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other."); } choicesPredicate.parse(choices); if (this.choices === void 0) { Reflect.set(this, "choices", []); } validateChoicesLength(choices.length, this.choices); for (const { name, name_localizations, value } of choices) { if (this.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType4.String) { stringPredicate.parse(value); } else { numberPredicate.parse(value); } this.choices.push({ name, name_localizations, value }); } return this; } /** * Sets multiple choices for this option. * * @param choices - The choices to set */ setChoices(...choices) { if (choices.length > 0 && this.autocomplete) { throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other."); } choicesPredicate.parse(choices); Reflect.set(this, "choices", []); this.addChoices(...choices); return this; } /** * Whether this option uses autocomplete. * * @param autocomplete - Whether this option should use autocomplete */ setAutocomplete(autocomplete) { booleanPredicate2.parse(autocomplete); if (autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) { throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other."); } Reflect.set(this, "autocomplete", autocomplete); return this; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/integer.ts var numberValidator =; var SlashCommandIntegerOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType5.Integer; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue} */ setMaxValue(max) { numberValidator.parse(max); Reflect.set(this, "max_value", max); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue} */ setMinValue(min) { numberValidator.parse(min); Reflect.set(this, "min_value", min); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) { throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other."); } return { ...this }; } }; __name(SlashCommandIntegerOption, "SlashCommandIntegerOption"); SlashCommandIntegerOption = __decorateClass([ mix2(ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin) ], SlashCommandIntegerOption); // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/mentionable.ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType6 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var SlashCommandMentionableOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { static { __name(this, "SlashCommandMentionableOption"); } /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType6.Mentionable; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); return { ...this }; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/number.ts import { s as s9 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType7 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { mix as mix3 } from "ts-mixer"; var numberValidator2 = s9.number; var SlashCommandNumberOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType7.Number; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue} */ setMaxValue(max) { numberValidator2.parse(max); Reflect.set(this, "max_value", max); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue} */ setMinValue(min) { numberValidator2.parse(min); Reflect.set(this, "min_value", min); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) { throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other."); } return { ...this }; } }; __name(SlashCommandNumberOption, "SlashCommandNumberOption"); SlashCommandNumberOption = __decorateClass([ mix3(ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin) ], SlashCommandNumberOption); // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/role.ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType8 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var SlashCommandRoleOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { static { __name(this, "SlashCommandRoleOption"); } /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType8.Role; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); return { ...this }; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/string.ts import { s as s10 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType9 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { mix as mix4 } from "ts-mixer"; var minLengthValidator2 = s10.number.greaterThanOrEqual(0).lessThanOrEqual(6e3); var maxLengthValidator2 = s10.number.greaterThanOrEqual(1).lessThanOrEqual(6e3); var SlashCommandStringOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType9.String; /** * The maximum length of this option. */ max_length; /** * The minimum length of this option. */ min_length; /** * Sets the maximum length of this string option. * * @param max - The maximum length this option can be */ setMaxLength(max) { maxLengthValidator2.parse(max); Reflect.set(this, "max_length", max); return this; } /** * Sets the minimum length of this string option. * * @param min - The minimum length this option can be */ setMinLength(min) { minLengthValidator2.parse(min); Reflect.set(this, "min_length", min); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) { throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other."); } return { ...this }; } }; __name(SlashCommandStringOption, "SlashCommandStringOption"); SlashCommandStringOption = __decorateClass([ mix4(ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin) ], SlashCommandStringOption); // src/interactions/slashCommands/options/user.ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType10 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var SlashCommandUserOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase { static { __name(this, "SlashCommandUserOption"); } /** * The type of this option. */ type = ApplicationCommandOptionType10.User; /** * {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON} */ toJSON() { this.runRequiredValidations(); return { ...this }; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/SharedSlashCommandOptions.ts var SharedSlashCommandOptions = class { static { __name(this, "SharedSlashCommandOptions"); } options; /** * Adds a boolean option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addBooleanOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandBooleanOption); } /** * Adds a user option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addUserOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandUserOption); } /** * Adds a channel option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addChannelOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandChannelOption); } /** * Adds a role option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addRoleOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandRoleOption); } /** * Adds an attachment option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addAttachmentOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandAttachmentOption); } /** * Adds a mentionable option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addMentionableOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandMentionableOption); } /** * Adds a string option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addStringOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandStringOption); } /** * Adds an integer option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addIntegerOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandIntegerOption); } /** * Adds a number option. * * @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder */ addNumberOption(input) { return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandNumberOption); } /** * Where the actual adding magic happens. ✨ * * @param input - The input. What else? * @param Instance - The instance of whatever is being added * @internal */ _sharedAddOptionMethod(input, Instance) { const { options } = this; validateMaxOptionsLength(options); const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new Instance()) : input; assertReturnOfBuilder(result, Instance); options.push(result); return this; } }; // src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandSubcommands.ts var SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder = class { /** * The name of this subcommand group. */ name = void 0; /** * The description of this subcommand group. */ description = void 0; /** * The subcommands within this subcommand group. */ options = []; /** * Adds a new subcommand to this group. * * @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder */ addSubcommand(input) { const { options } = this; validateMaxOptionsLength(options); const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder()) : input; assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder); options.push(result); return this; } /** * Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data. * * @remarks * This method runs validations on the data before serializing it. * As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid. */ toJSON() { validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options); return { type: ApplicationCommandOptionType11.SubcommandGroup, name:, name_localizations: this.name_localizations, description: this.description, description_localizations: this.description_localizations, options: => option.toJSON()) }; } }; __name(SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder, "SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder"); SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder = __decorateClass([ mix5(SharedNameAndDescription) ], SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder); var SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder = class { /** * The name of this subcommand. */ name = void 0; /** * The description of this subcommand. */ description = void 0; /** * The options within this subcommand. */ options = []; /** * Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data. * * @remarks * This method runs validations on the data before serializing it. * As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid. */ toJSON() { validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options); return { type: ApplicationCommandOptionType11.Subcommand, name:, name_localizations: this.name_localizations, description: this.description, description_localizations: this.description_localizations, options: => option.toJSON()) }; } }; __name(SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder, "SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder"); SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder = __decorateClass([ mix5(SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions) ], SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder); // src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandBuilder.ts var SlashCommandBuilder = class { /** * The name of this command. */ name = void 0; /** * The name localizations of this command. */ name_localizations; /** * The description of this command. */ description = void 0; /** * The description localizations of this command. */ description_localizations; /** * The options of this command. */ options = []; /** * Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild. * * @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead. */ default_permission = void 0; /** * The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command. */ default_member_permissions = void 0; /** * Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application. * * @remarks * By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands. */ dm_permission = void 0; /** * Whether this command is NSFW. */ nsfw = void 0; /** * Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild. * * @remarks * If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command. * @param value - Whether or not to enable this command by default * @see {@link} * @deprecated Use {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead. */ setDefaultPermission(value) { validateDefaultPermission(value); Reflect.set(this, "default_permission", value); return this; } /** * Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run the command. * * @remarks * You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default. * @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set * @see {@link} */ setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) { const permissionValue = validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions); Reflect.set(this, "default_member_permissions", permissionValue); return this; } /** * Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application. * * @remarks * By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands. * @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages * @see {@link} */ setDMPermission(enabled) { validateDMPermission(enabled); Reflect.set(this, "dm_permission", enabled); return this; } /** * Sets whether this command is NSFW. * * @param nsfw - Whether this command is NSFW */ setNSFW(nsfw = true) { validateNSFW(nsfw); Reflect.set(this, "nsfw", nsfw); return this; } /** * Adds a new subcommand group to this command. * * @param input - A function that returns a subcommand group builder or an already built builder */ addSubcommandGroup(input) { const { options } = this; validateMaxOptionsLength(options); const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder()) : input; assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder); options.push(result); return this; } /** * Adds a new subcommand to this command. * * @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder */ addSubcommand(input) { const { options } = this; validateMaxOptionsLength(options); const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder()) : input; assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder); options.push(result); return this; } /** * Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data. * * @remarks * This method runs validations on the data before serializing it. * As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid. */ toJSON() { validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options); validateLocalizationMap(this.name_localizations); validateLocalizationMap(this.description_localizations); return { ...this, options: => option.toJSON()) }; } }; __name(SlashCommandBuilder, "SlashCommandBuilder"); SlashCommandBuilder = __decorateClass([ mix6(SharedSlashCommandOptions, SharedNameAndDescription) ], SlashCommandBuilder); // src/interactions/contextMenuCommands/Assertions.ts var Assertions_exports6 = {}; __export(Assertions_exports6, { validateDMPermission: () => validateDMPermission2, validateDefaultMemberPermissions: () => validateDefaultMemberPermissions2, validateDefaultPermission: () => validateDefaultPermission2, validateName: () => validateName2, validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters4, validateType: () => validateType }); import { s as s11 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift"; import { ApplicationCommandType } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var namePredicate2 = s11.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(32).regex(/^( *[\p{P}\p{L}\p{N}\p{sc=Devanagari}\p{sc=Thai}]+ *)+$/u).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var typePredicate = s11.union(s11.literal(ApplicationCommandType.User), s11.literal(ApplicationCommandType.Message)).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled); var booleanPredicate3 = s11.boolean; function validateDefaultPermission2(value) { booleanPredicate3.parse(value); } __name(validateDefaultPermission2, "validateDefaultPermission"); function validateName2(name) { namePredicate2.parse(name); } __name(validateName2, "validateName"); function validateType(type) { typePredicate.parse(type); } __name(validateType, "validateType"); function validateRequiredParameters4(name, type) { validateName2(name); validateType(type); } __name(validateRequiredParameters4, "validateRequiredParameters"); var dmPermissionPredicate2 = s11.boolean.nullish; function validateDMPermission2(value) { dmPermissionPredicate2.parse(value); } __name(validateDMPermission2, "validateDMPermission"); var memberPermissionPredicate2 = s11.union( s11.bigint.transform((value) => value.toString()), s11.number.safeInt.transform((value) => value.toString()), s11.string.regex(/^\d+$/) ).nullish; function validateDefaultMemberPermissions2(permissions) { return memberPermissionPredicate2.parse(permissions); } __name(validateDefaultMemberPermissions2, "validateDefaultMemberPermissions"); // src/interactions/contextMenuCommands/ContextMenuCommandBuilder.ts var ContextMenuCommandBuilder = class { static { __name(this, "ContextMenuCommandBuilder"); } /** * The name of this command. */ name = void 0; /** * The name localizations of this command. */ name_localizations; /** * The type of this command. */ type = void 0; /** * Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild. * * @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead. */ default_permission = void 0; /** * The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command. */ default_member_permissions = void 0; /** * Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application. * * @remarks * By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands. */ dm_permission = void 0; /** * Sets the name of this command. * * @param name - The name to use */ setName(name) { validateName2(name); Reflect.set(this, "name", name); return this; } /** * Sets the type of this command. * * @param type - The type to use */ setType(type) { validateType(type); Reflect.set(this, "type", type); return this; } /** * Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild. * * @remarks * If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command. * @param value - Whether to enable this command by default * @see {@link} * @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead. */ setDefaultPermission(value) { validateDefaultPermission2(value); Reflect.set(this, "default_permission", value); return this; } /** * Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run this command. * * @remarks * You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default. * @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set * @see {@link} */ setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) { const permissionValue = validateDefaultMemberPermissions2(permissions); Reflect.set(this, "default_member_permissions", permissionValue); return this; } /** * Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application. * * @remarks * By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands. * @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages * @see {@link} */ setDMPermission(enabled) { validateDMPermission2(enabled); Reflect.set(this, "dm_permission", enabled); return this; } /** * Sets a name localization for this command. * * @param locale - The locale to set * @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale` */ setNameLocalization(locale, localizedName) { if (!this.name_localizations) { Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {}); } const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale); if (localizedName === null) { this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = null; return this; } validateName2(localizedName); this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedName; return this; } /** * Sets the name localizations for this command. * * @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set */ setNameLocalizations(localizedNames) { if (localizedNames === null) { Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", null); return this; } Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {}); for (const args of Object.entries(localizedNames)) this.setNameLocalization(...args); return this; } /** * Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data. * * @remarks * This method runs validations on the data before serializing it. * As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid. */ toJSON() { validateRequiredParameters4(, this.type); validateLocalizationMap(this.name_localizations); return { ...this }; } }; // src/util/componentUtil.ts function embedLength(data) { return (data.title?.length ?? 0) + (data.description?.length ?? 0) + (data.fields?.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + + curr.value.length, 0) ?? 0) + (data.footer?.text.length ?? 0) + ( ?? 0); } __name(embedLength, "embedLength"); // src/index.ts var version = "1.7.0"; export { ActionRowBuilder, ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionBase, ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin, BaseSelectMenuBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ChannelSelectMenuBuilder, Assertions_exports2 as ComponentAssertions, ComponentBuilder, Assertions_exports6 as ContextMenuCommandAssertions, ContextMenuCommandBuilder, Assertions_exports as EmbedAssertions, EmbedBuilder, MentionableSelectMenuBuilder, Assertions_exports4 as ModalAssertions, ModalBuilder, RoleSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuBuilder as SelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder as SelectMenuOptionBuilder, SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions, Assertions_exports5 as SlashCommandAssertions, SlashCommandAttachmentOption, SlashCommandBooleanOption, SlashCommandBuilder, SlashCommandChannelOption, SlashCommandIntegerOption, SlashCommandMentionableOption, SlashCommandNumberOption, SlashCommandRoleOption, SlashCommandStringOption, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder, SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder, SlashCommandUserOption, StringSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder, Assertions_exports3 as TextInputAssertions, TextInputBuilder, UserSelectMenuBuilder, createComponentBuilder, disableValidators, embedLength, enableValidators, isValidationEnabled, normalizeArray, version }; //#