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2022-09-22 10:42:37 +00:00
$color = "red -";
$tcolor = "white-text-text";
$name = "Impostor";
$description = "I didn&#39;t believe a word they said, But now that detective is dead. So I don&#39;t want to make a fuss, But you&#39;re looking awfully sus.";
$howtoplay = "The impostor is a traitor subrole who emphasizes 1v1 assassination and team support. They have the following detriments:
No shop
50% reduced damage
And the following boons:
A close range instant kill ability that operates on a 45 second cooldown
3 placeable vents that can be used to create a dynamic teleportation network
The ability to create 4 different types of sabotage stations, each producing a global detrimental effect that can be stopped in a king of the hill style minigame
Theres further, in-depth info inside the Steam Description";
$playsbestwith = "<ul>;
$convars = "Normal Role Convars (also found in ULX):
<code># enable or disable this role
ttt_impostor_enabled [0/1] (default: 1)
# the percentage of players that are spawned as this role
ttt_impostor_pct [0.0..1.0] (default: 0.17)
# the limit of players that spawn as this role each round, this overwrites the percentage
ttt_impostor_max [0..n] (default: 1)
# the probability each round of this role being spawned at all
ttt_impostor_random [0..100] (default: 30)
# the amount of players needed for this role to spawn
ttt_impostor_min_players: [0..n] (default: 6)</code>
Rolespecific Convars:
<code>### GENERAL ###
# At the beginning of the round, should everyone be told how many impostors are among us?
ttt2_impostor_inform_everyone [0/1] (default: 0)
# How much damage should the impostor be able to do with traditional guns and crowbars?
ttt2_impostor_normal_dmg_multi [0.0..n.m] (default: 0.5)
# Should everyone be informed via pop-ups about how sabotages work every time a sabotage occurs?
ttt2_impostor_sabo_pop_ups [0/1] (default: 1)
# What is the range on the impostor&#39;s instant-kill ability?
ttt2_impostor_kill_dist [0..n] (default: 150)
# What is the cooldown (in seconds) on the impostor&#39;s instant-kill ability?
ttt2_impostor_kill_cooldown [0..n] (default: 45)
### VENTING ###
# How many vents does the impostor start with?
ttt2_impostor_num_starting_vents [0..n] (default: 3)
# How many vents does can the impostor hold?
ttt2_impostor_vent_capacity [0..n] (default: 6)
# What is the maximum number of vents allowed on the map (-1 for unlimited)?
ttt2_impostor_global_max_num_vents [-1..n] (default: 9)
# What is the range on the Impostor&#39;s vent placement tool?
ttt2_impostor_vent_placement_range [0..n] (default: 100)
# If set, newly created vents will attempt to use the creator&#39;s position as the exit point (as long as the vent is close enough to them).
Allows for quick and creative vent placement. Can lead to map abuse (i.e. hiding vents in ridiculous locations).
If not set, all created vents (regardless of placement distance) will attempt to set the exit point out and in front automatically.
Enforces sane vent placement. However, the user will be forced to place vents on walls near the floor in most scenarios.
ttt2_impostor_nearby_new_vents_use_ply_pos_as_exit [0/1] (default: 1)
# Should vents be invisible upon creation, only being revealed when entered or exited?
ttt2_impostor_hide_unused_vents [0/1] (default: 1)
# Can the secondary fire on the Vent tool be used to take back already placed vents?
ttt2_impostor_vent_secondary_fire_mode [0..2] (default: 1)
# 0: Impostors cannot take vents back
# 1: Impostors can only take unrevealed vents back
# 2: Impostors can take any kind of vent back
# Should all traitor roles be able to use vents that the Impostor(s) have placed?
ttt2_impostor_traitor_team_can_use_vents [0/1] (default: 1)
# Should the Impostor&#39;s sabotage abilities create a Sabotage Station entity (If disabled, the sabotage abilities can only end once their duration has been exceeded)?
ttt2_impostor_station_enable [0/1] (default: 1)
# Should the Impostor be able to know where the sabotage station will spawn, be able to switch the spawn location, and add new station spawns?
ttt2_impostor_station_manager_enable [0/1] (default: 1)
# Should Impostors be unable to create sabotage stations in the same place twice (until all available locations have been exhausted)?
ttt2_impostor_dissuade_station_reuse [0/1] (default: 0)
# How far away can sabotage station spawn locations be from each other?
ttt2_impostor_min_station_dist [0..n] (default: 1000)
# What is the radius of the circle that players need to enter in order to disable the current sabotage?
ttt2_impostor_station_radius [0..n] (default: 300)
# What proportion of the players (alive and dead, rounded up) need to enter the sabotage station&#39;s radius in order to end the current sabotage (ex. If 0.25, and there are 6 players, then at least 2 need to enter the station&#39;s radius)?
Note: Both dead and alive players are counted for determining this threshold.
ttt2_impostor_stop_station_ply_prop [0.0..n.m] (default: 0.25)
# How long must enough players be in the sabotage station&#39;s radius to end it?
ttt2_impostor_station_hold_time [0..n] (default: 5)
# How long (in seconds) should the lights be sabotaged for (</code>";
$steam = "";
$source = "";
$author = "blackmagicfine";
$authorurl = "";
$ctext = "BlackMagicFine: creator of this role addon
Smuggles: designer of the role, vent, wrench, Beacon, speaker (on and off), cloud, and smoke stacks icons
Wasted: designer of the Blight icon, which is used for sabotage reactor here
Mineotopia: designer of the role thumbnail
Veldrim and Haxray: heavily assisted with testing
berry: Russian translation
Among Us by Innersloth: The original work that inspired this role.";