The Procedural Generator
James edited this page 2021-11-08 14:35:54 +00:00

The Level Generator

Just use https://github.com/BenPyton/ProceduralDungeon. It's better.

Legacy Generator rundown:

  1. Spawn Phase
    1. Create a preset room with walls and 4 doorways. Needs to be square.
    2. Populate with corner variations
    3. Define 4 “Exit” markers at each Door, those have the doors parented.
    4. Define Spawn Markers for spawns, bookshelves, hazards, and obstacles
    5. Create different materials for each sublevel
  2. Generator Rundown
    1. Generate the base Room
    2. Generate interior
      1. Generate the Corners
      2. Generate Item Displays, depositing areas OR hiding places
      3. Generate the Bookshelves
    3. Check the room list if adjacent rooms are existing
    4. Generate Doors according to how many Doors are calculated in the room