AI Patchouli #16

opened 2021-11-10 09:34:56 +00:00 by James · 0 comments
1. Movement
    1. Wanders slowly
    1. Listens to stealing of Books and goes there
1. Attacking
    1. Uses diverse Spells
        1. Water Spell, slowing the player when hit
        1. Fire Spell, Damaging the player 
        1. Earth Spell, Blocking the players path
        1. Wind Spell, Propells herself forward
        1. After casting 3 spells, patchouli gets exhausted and goes to the Re-Activation stage
1. Re-activation
    1. Move to any chair in the level
    1. If no chair is found, return to the enemyspawn.
    1. On chair, take a ~2 Minute break.
    1. At enemy spawn, take a ~1 Minute break.
1. Multi Enemy Round
    1. When other NPCs spot the player, they report the position to her;
    1. she then moves to said position
    1. When getting to close, she instakills the player, using some iron maiden coffin spell or so.. i dunno, is the first thing that came to mind. <!-- WTF James? -->
1. Movement 1. Wanders slowly 1. Listens to stealing of Books and goes there 1. Attacking 1. Uses diverse Spells 1. Water Spell, slowing the player when hit 1. Fire Spell, Damaging the player 1. Earth Spell, Blocking the players path 1. Wind Spell, Propells herself forward 1. After casting 3 spells, patchouli gets exhausted and goes to the Re-Activation stage 1. Re-activation 1. Move to any chair in the level 1. If no chair is found, return to the enemyspawn. 1. On chair, take a ~2 Minute break. 1. At enemy spawn, take a ~1 Minute break. 1. Multi Enemy Round 1. When other NPCs spot the player, they report the position to her; 1. she then moves to said position 1. When getting to close, she instakills the player, using some iron maiden coffin spell or so.. i dunno, is the first thing that came to mind. <!-- WTF James? -->
James added this to the DEV-ALPHA milestone 2021-11-10 09:34:56 +00:00
James added this to the AI Todo project 2021-11-10 09:35:29 +00:00
James self-assigned this 2021-11-10 09:35:33 +00:00
James added a new dependency 2021-11-10 09:36:45 +00:00
James modified the milestone from DEV-ALPHA to DEV-BETA 2021-11-10 09:42:06 +00:00
James added the
label 2021-11-12 08:19:14 +00:00
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#17 AI Koakuma
Reference: James/Bookworm#16
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