Stealable Sakuya Clock #12

opened 2021-11-09 13:39:54 +00:00 by James · 0 comments

Sakuyas clock is a hard-to-get item:

  1. Sakuya has a "From Remilia" signed wrapper somewhere in her Room, that can Item can be stolen.
  2. Talking to Nazrin will after 5 times visiting the shop and talking about the place give the option to purchase "Something Special" which can be placed inside Sakuyas EnemySpawnroom.
  3. You can also ask to wrap the Box
  4. The player then needs to add Remilias signature on a sign to the present.
  5. When sakuya then starts restocking on knifes in her Room, she will have added a tail to the front of the apron, moving the Clock to her backpocket
  6. Steal it from Sakuyas Backpocket, whilst she is cleaning something (Adding some sort of DND Sleight of Hand refference would be fun)
  7. Now it's possible to get the Lunar Clock as Random Item on the Pedestals
Sakuyas clock is a hard-to-get item: 1. Sakuya has a "From Remilia" signed wrapper somewhere in her Room, that can Item can be stolen. 1. Talking to Nazrin will after 5 times visiting the shop and talking about the place give the option to purchase "Something Special" which can be placed inside Sakuyas EnemySpawnroom. 1. You can also ask to wrap the Box 1. The player then needs to add Remilias signature on a sign to the present. 1. When sakuya then starts restocking on knifes in her Room, she will have added a tail to the front of the apron, moving the Clock to her backpocket 1. Steal it from Sakuyas Backpocket, whilst she is cleaning something (Adding some sort of DND Sleight of Hand refference would be fun) 1. Now it's possible to get the Lunar Clock as Random Item on the Pedestals
James added this to the Alpha milestone 2021-11-09 13:39:54 +00:00
James added this to the AI Todo project 2021-11-09 13:40:06 +00:00
James added the
label 2021-11-09 13:40:12 +00:00
James added a new dependency 2021-11-09 13:47:26 +00:00
James self-assigned this 2021-11-12 08:54:51 +00:00
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#11 AI Sakuya
Reference: James/Bookworm#12
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