AI Sakuya #11

opened 2021-11-09 10:13:57 +00:00 by James · 0 comments
  1. Movement
    1. Roams in medium speed
    2. Needs to stop at certain Points of the map to clean
    3. Gets distracted by breaking things.
  2. Hunting
    1. Direct attack
      1. Closes in on the player
      2. When near enough, fire 5 sets of daggers, triggering the dodging Process. Afterwards she will begin her re-activation period
    2. Pinning
      1. After loosing the last life by the dagger, the player gets knocked prone.
      2. Sakuya positions above the player, begins stabbing them, again with qicktime events
      3. Missing one of those QTE results in death.
      4. Succeding on the QTEs shoves Sakuya away, sets Health to 1 and she will start her re-activation period
    3. Searching
      1. Searches through 2-3 Containers, then continues roaming.
      2. Whilst searching the containers the player can try to escape
  3. Re-activation
    1. Return to the Spawn room
    2. Wait for ~1 Minute (play knife sounds)
    3. Return to Movement
1. Movement 1. Roams in medium speed 1. Needs to stop at certain Points of the map to clean 1. Gets distracted by breaking things. 1. Hunting 1. Direct attack 1. Closes in on the player 1. When near enough, fire 5 sets of daggers, triggering the dodging Process. Afterwards she will begin her re-activation period 1. Pinning 1. After loosing the last life by the dagger, the player gets knocked prone. 1. Sakuya positions above the player, begins stabbing them, again with qicktime events 1. Missing one of those QTE results in death. 1. Succeding on the QTEs shoves Sakuya away, sets Health to 1 and she will start her re-activation period 1. Searching 1. Searches through 2-3 Containers, then continues roaming. 1. Whilst searching the containers the player can try to escape 1. Re-activation 1. Return to the Spawn room 1. Wait for ~1 Minute (play knife sounds) 1. Return to Movement
James added this to the DEV-PREVIEW milestone 2021-11-09 10:14:01 +00:00
James added this to the AI Todo project 2021-11-09 10:14:05 +00:00
James added the
label 2021-11-09 13:46:39 +00:00
James added a new dependency 2021-11-09 13:47:26 +00:00
James modified the milestone from DEV-PREVIEW to DEV-BETA 2021-11-10 10:52:24 +00:00
James added the
label 2021-11-12 08:19:26 +00:00
James self-assigned this 2021-11-12 08:54:59 +00:00
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Reference: James/Bookworm#11
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