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2021-11-02 12:06:34 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Sebastien Rombauts (
// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt
// or copy at
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "ISourceControlOperation.h"
#include "ISourceControlState.h"
#include "ISourceControlProvider.h"
#include "IGitSourceControlWorker.h"
#include "GitSourceControlState.h"
#include "GitSourceControlMenu.h"
class FGitSourceControlCommand;
DECLARE_DELEGATE_RetVal(FGitSourceControlWorkerRef, FGetGitSourceControlWorker)
/// Git version and capabilites extracted from the string "git version"
struct FGitVersion
// Git version extracted from the string "git version" (Windows) or "git version 2.11.0" (Linux/Mac/Cygwin/WSL)
int Major; // 2 Major version number
int Minor; // 11 Minor version number
int Patch; // 0 Patch/bugfix number
int Windows; // 3 Windows specific revision number (under Windows only)
uint32 bHasCatFileWithFilters : 1;
uint32 bHasGitLfs : 1;
uint32 bHasGitLfsLocking : 1;
: Major(0)
, Minor(0)
, Patch(0)
, Windows(0)
, bHasCatFileWithFilters(false)
, bHasGitLfs(false)
, bHasGitLfsLocking(false)
inline bool IsGreaterOrEqualThan(int InMajor, int InMinor) const
return (Major > InMajor) || (Major == InMajor && (Minor >= InMinor));
class FGitSourceControlProvider : public ISourceControlProvider
/** Constructor */
: bGitAvailable(false)
, bGitRepositoryFound(false)
/* ISourceControlProvider implementation */
virtual void Init(bool bForceConnection = true) override;
virtual void Close() override;
virtual FText GetStatusText() const override;
virtual bool IsEnabled() const override;
virtual bool IsAvailable() const override;
virtual const FName& GetName(void) const override;
virtual bool QueryStateBranchConfig(const FString& ConfigSrc, const FString& ConfigDest) /* override UE4.20 */ { return false; }
virtual void RegisterStateBranches(const TArray<FString>& BranchNames, const FString& ContentRoot) /* override UE4.20 */ {}
virtual int32 GetStateBranchIndex(const FString& InBranchName) const /* override UE4.20 */ { return INDEX_NONE; }
virtual ECommandResult::Type GetState( const TArray<FString>& InFiles, TArray< TSharedRef<ISourceControlState, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> >& OutState, EStateCacheUsage::Type InStateCacheUsage ) override;
virtual TArray<FSourceControlStateRef> GetCachedStateByPredicate(TFunctionRef<bool(const FSourceControlStateRef&)> Predicate) const override;
virtual FDelegateHandle RegisterSourceControlStateChanged_Handle(const FSourceControlStateChanged::FDelegate& SourceControlStateChanged) override;
virtual void UnregisterSourceControlStateChanged_Handle(FDelegateHandle Handle) override;
virtual ECommandResult::Type Execute(const TSharedRef<ISourceControlOperation, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>& InOperation, const TArray<FString>& InFiles, EConcurrency::Type InConcurrency = EConcurrency::Synchronous, const FSourceControlOperationComplete& InOperationCompleteDelegate = FSourceControlOperationComplete()) override;
virtual bool CanCancelOperation( const TSharedRef<ISourceControlOperation, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>& InOperation ) const override;
virtual void CancelOperation( const TSharedRef<ISourceControlOperation, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>& InOperation ) override;
virtual bool UsesLocalReadOnlyState() const override;
virtual bool UsesChangelists() const override;
virtual bool UsesCheckout() const override;
virtual void Tick() override;
virtual TArray< TSharedRef<class ISourceControlLabel> > GetLabels( const FString& InMatchingSpec ) const override;
virtual TSharedRef<class SWidget> MakeSettingsWidget() const override;
* Check configuration, else standard paths, and run a Git "version" command to check the availability of the binary.
void CheckGitAvailability();
* Find the .git/ repository and check it's status.
void CheckRepositoryStatus(const FString& InPathToGitBinary);
/** Is git binary found and working. */
inline bool IsGitAvailable() const
return bGitAvailable;
/** Git version for feature checking */
inline const FGitVersion& GetGitVersion() const
return GitVersion;
/** Get the path to the root of the Git repository: can be the ProjectDir itself, or any parent directory */
inline const FString& GetPathToRepositoryRoot() const
return PathToRepositoryRoot;
/** Git config */
inline const FString& GetUserName() const
return UserName;
/** Git config */
inline const FString& GetUserEmail() const
return UserEmail;
/** Git remote origin url */
inline const FString& GetRemoteUrl() const
return RemoteUrl;
/** Helper function used to update state cache */
TSharedRef<FGitSourceControlState, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> GetStateInternal(const FString& Filename);
* Register a worker with the provider.
* This is used internally so the provider can maintain a map of all available operations.
void RegisterWorker( const FName& InName, const FGetGitSourceControlWorker& InDelegate );
/** Remove a named file from the state cache */
bool RemoveFileFromCache(const FString& Filename);
/** Get files in cache */
TArray<FString> GetFilesInCache();
/** Is git binary found and working. */
bool bGitAvailable;
/** Is git repository found. */
bool bGitRepositoryFound;
/** Is LFS File Locking enabled? */
bool bUsingGitLfsLocking = false;
/** Helper function for Execute() */
TSharedPtr<class IGitSourceControlWorker, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> CreateWorker(const FName& InOperationName) const;
/** Helper function for running command synchronously. */
ECommandResult::Type ExecuteSynchronousCommand(class FGitSourceControlCommand& InCommand, const FText& Task);
/** Issue a command asynchronously if possible. */
ECommandResult::Type IssueCommand(class FGitSourceControlCommand& InCommand);
/** Output any messages this command holds */
void OutputCommandMessages(const class FGitSourceControlCommand& InCommand) const;
/** Update repository status on Connect and UpdateStatus operations */
void UpdateRepositoryStatus(const class FGitSourceControlCommand& InCommand);
/** Path to the root of the Git repository: can be the ProjectDir itself, or any parent directory (found by the "Connect" operation) */
FString PathToRepositoryRoot;
/** Git config (from local repository, else globally) */
FString UserName;
/** Git config (from local repository, else globally) */
FString UserEmail;
/** Name of the current branch */
FString BranchName;
/** URL of the "origin" defaut remote server */
FString RemoteUrl;
/** Current Commit full SHA1 */
FString CommitId;
/** Current Commit description's Summary */
FString CommitSummary;
/** State cache */
TMap<FString, TSharedRef<class FGitSourceControlState, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> > StateCache;
/** The currently registered source control operations */
TMap<FName, FGetGitSourceControlWorker> WorkersMap;
/** Queue for commands given by the main thread */
TArray < FGitSourceControlCommand* > CommandQueue;
/** For notifying when the source control states in the cache have changed */
FSourceControlStateChanged OnSourceControlStateChanged;
/** Git version for feature checking */
FGitVersion GitVersion;
/** Source Control Menu Extension */
FGitSourceControlMenu GitSourceControlMenu;