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2021-11-02 12:06:34 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Sebastien Rombauts (
// Distributed under the MIT License (MIT) (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt
// or copy at
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "ISourceControlProvider.h"
#include "Misc/IQueuedWork.h"
* Used to execute Git commands multi-threaded.
class FGitSourceControlCommand : public IQueuedWork
FGitSourceControlCommand(const TSharedRef<class ISourceControlOperation, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>& InOperation, const TSharedRef<class IGitSourceControlWorker, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>& InWorker, const FSourceControlOperationComplete& InOperationCompleteDelegate = FSourceControlOperationComplete() );
* This is where the real thread work is done. All work that is done for
* this queued object should be done from within the call to this function.
bool DoWork();
* Tells the queued work that it is being abandoned so that it can do
* per object clean up as needed. This will only be called if it is being
* abandoned before completion. NOTE: This requires the object to delete
* itself using whatever heap it was allocated in.
virtual void Abandon() override;
* This method is also used to tell the object to cleanup but not before
* the object has finished it's work.
virtual void DoThreadedWork() override;
/** Save any results and call any registered callbacks. */
ECommandResult::Type ReturnResults();
/** Path to the Git binary */
FString PathToGitBinary;
/** Path to the root of the Git repository: can be the ProjectDir itself, or any parent directory (found by the "Connect" operation) */
FString PathToRepositoryRoot;
/** Tell if using the Git LFS file Locking workflow */
bool bUsingGitLfsLocking;
/** Operation we want to perform - contains outward-facing parameters & results */
TSharedRef<class ISourceControlOperation, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> Operation;
/** The object that will actually do the work */
TSharedRef<class IGitSourceControlWorker, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> Worker;
/** Delegate to notify when this operation completes */
FSourceControlOperationComplete OperationCompleteDelegate;
/**If true, this command has been processed by the source control thread*/
volatile int32 bExecuteProcessed;
/**If true, the source control command succeeded*/
bool bCommandSuccessful;
/** TODO LFS If true, the source control connection was dropped while this command was being executed*/
bool bConnectionDropped;
/** Current Commit full SHA1 */
FString CommitId;
/** Current Commit description's Summary */
FString CommitSummary;
/** If true, this command will be automatically cleaned up in Tick() */
bool bAutoDelete;
/** Whether we are running multi-treaded or not*/
EConcurrency::Type Concurrency;
/** Files to perform this operation on */
TArray<FString> Files;
/**Info and/or warning message storage*/
TArray<FString> InfoMessages;
/**Potential error message storage*/
TArray<FString> ErrorMessages;